GPS Coordinates of

Armand Bayou Nature Center United States

Central address: Karankawa Trail, Houston, TX 77058, USA

Elevation: 3.660
Time Zone: America/Chicago

Latitude: 29° 35' 37.032'' N
Longitude: 95° 4' 29.7192'' W

Armand Bayou Nature Center, United States

The latitude of Armand Bayou Nature Center is 29.593620, and the longitude is -95.074922. Armand Bayou Nature Center is located in Pearland, United States with the gps coordinates of 29° 35' 37.032'' N and 95° 4' 29.7192'' W. The category of Armand Bayou Nature Center is Nature & Wildlife Areas.

Armand Bayou Nature Center is an urban preserve located in Pasadena and southeast Houston between the Johnson Space Center and the Bayport Industrial District. The 2,500-acre (10 km2) nature center is the largest urban wilderness preserve in the United States.

When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near Armand Bayou Nature Center in advance for your travel.

Nature & Wildlife Areas

Elevation3.660DMS Lat29° 35' 37.032'' N
DMS Lng95° 4' 29.7192'' WGeoHASH9vk2ke2e3dxgs
UTM Zone15RUTM Easting299045.777079144
UTM Northing3275553.99468205Time ZoneAmerica/Chicago
CountryUnited StatesStateTexas (TX)

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