GPS Coordinates of

Daisy Lake Uplands Provincial Park Canada

Central address: 429 Trans-Canada Hwy, Sudbury, ON P3G 1C5, Canada

Elevation: 302.941
Time Zone: America/Toronto

Latitude: 46° 27' 32.1876'' N
Longitude: 80° 53' 7.6272'' W

Daisy Lake Uplands Provincial Park, Canada

The latitude of Daisy Lake Uplands Provincial Park is 46.458941, and the longitude is -80.885452. Daisy Lake Uplands Provincial Park is located in Sudbury, Canada with the gps coordinates of 46° 27' 32.1876'' N and 80° 53' 7.6272'' W. The category of Daisy Lake Uplands Provincial Park are Nature & Wildlife Areas, State Parks.

Daisy Lake Uplands Provincial Park is a provincial park in the Canadian province of Ontario. Surrounding Daisy Lake in the city of Greater Sudbury, the park serves to protect a recovering ecosystem scarred by pollution from the city's mining industry; one of the industry's first roasting beds in the region was located just east of the park boundaries. The park's ecosystem includes white birch trees, grasses, sedges, rock barrens and bog vegetation. The site is designated as a control area for ecological research — unlike in other parts of the city, where extensive environmental mitigation and recovery programs have been undertaken since the 1970s, Daisy Lake Uplands is set aside for study of the site's ability to recover on its own without human intervention. The park was first proposed for creation in 2003, and was officially designated by an amendment to the Ontario Provincial Parks Act in 2006.

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Nature & Wildlife Areas, State Parks

Elevation302.941DMS Lat46° 27' 32.1876'' N
DMS Lng80° 53' 7.6272'' WGeoHASHf0q2r3t4bq7d4
UTM Zone17TUTM Easting508796.251788556
UTM Northing5145047.30390346Time ZoneAmerica/Toronto

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