GPS Coordinates of

Eleutheros Cooke House And Garden United States

Central address: 1415 Columbus Ave, Sandusky, OH 44870, USA

Elevation: 181.123
Time Zone: America/Toronto

Latitude: 41° 26' 38.004'' N
Longitude: 82° 42' 18.3312'' W

Eleutheros Cooke House And Garden, United States

The latitude of Eleutheros Cooke House And Garden is 41.443890, and the longitude is -82.705092. Eleutheros Cooke House And Garden is located in Sandusky, United States with the gps coordinates of 41° 26' 38.004'' N and 82° 42' 18.3312'' W. The category of Eleutheros Cooke House And Garden is Historic Sites.

When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near Eleutheros Cooke House And Garden in advance for your travel.

Historic Sites

Elevation181.123DMS Lat41° 26' 38.004'' N
DMS Lng82° 42' 18.3312'' WGeoHASHdpm5vbxuptj9s
UTM Zone17TUTM Easting357563.052007791
UTM Northing4589438.00538079Time ZoneAmerica/Toronto
CountryUnited StatesStateOhio (OH)

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