GPS Coordinates of

Elmvale Jungle Zoo Canada

Central address: 14191 Hwy 27, Phelpston, ON L0L 2K0, Canada

Elevation: 229.528
Time Zone: America/Toronto

Latitude: 44° 33' 3.0492'' N
Longitude: 79° 50' 12.2928'' W

Elmvale Jungle Zoo, Canada

The latitude of Elmvale Jungle Zoo is 44.550847, and the longitude is -79.836748. Elmvale Jungle Zoo is located in Elmvale, Canada with the gps coordinates of 44° 33' 3.0492'' N and 79° 50' 12.2928'' W. The category of Elmvale Jungle Zoo is Zoos.

The Elmvale Jungle Zoo is a zoo in Springwater, Ontario, Canada. It is a seasonal business open Victoria Day weekend until Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. It was founded in 1967 and has more than 300 animals.

When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near Elmvale Jungle Zoo in advance for your travel.


Elevation229.528DMS Lat44° 33' 3.0492'' N
DMS Lng79° 50' 12.2928'' WGeoHASHdpzjrq0xkzvcy
UTM Zone17TUTM Easting592395.454666553
UTM Northing4933715.54285805Time ZoneAmerica/Toronto

Hotels in Elmvale

Shopping and Restaurants in Elmvale