Central address: 1695 8e Rang East, Roxton Pond, QC J0E 1Z0, Canada
Elevation: 131.683
Time Zone: America/Toronto
Latitude: 45° 24' 52.0164'' N
Longitude: 72° 37' 34.572'' W
The latitude of Massawippi Rides is 45.414449, and the longitude is -72.626270. Massawippi Rides is located in North Hatley, Canada with the gps coordinates of 45° 24' 52.0164'' N and 72° 37' 34.572'' W. The category of Massawippi Rides is Surfing, Windsurfing & Kitesurfing.
When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near Massawippi Rides in advance for your travel.
Latitude | 45.414449 | Longitude | -72.626270 |
Elevation | 131.683 | DMS Lat | 45° 24' 52.0164'' N |
DMS Lng | 72° 37' 34.572'' W | GeoHASH | f2h6777nm6bh9 |
UTM Zone | 18T | UTM Easting | 685731.87554973 |
UTM Northing | 5031733.11913325 | Time Zone | America/Toronto |
Country | Canada | State | Quebec |