Central address: 1312 Wilfred Dr, Orlando, FL 32803, USA
Elevation: 33.226
Time Zone: America/New_York
Latitude: 28° 33' 47.2896'' N
Longitude: 81° 21' 56.3076'' W
The latitude of Quantum Leap Winery is 28.563136, and the longitude is -81.365641. Quantum Leap Winery is located in Orlando, United States with the gps coordinates of 28° 33' 47.2896'' N and 81° 21' 56.3076'' W. The category of Quantum Leap Winery is Wineries & Vineyards.
When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near Quantum Leap Winery in advance for your travel.
Latitude | 28.563136 | Longitude | -81.365641 |
Elevation | 33.226 | DMS Lat | 28° 33' 47.2896'' N |
DMS Lng | 81° 21' 56.3076'' W | GeoHASH | djn4krz274kxn |
UTM Zone | 17R | UTM Easting | 464237.847581667 |
UTM Northing | 3159641.40026185 | Time Zone | America/New_York |
Country | United States | State | Florida (FL) |