GPS Coordinates of

Sainte-Anne-Du-Bocage Canada

Central address: 5 Rue Sainte Anne N, Caraquet, NB E1W 1A2, Canada

Elevation: 5.302
Time Zone: America/Toronto

Latitude: 47° 46' 27.732'' N
Longitude: 65° 0' 41.238'' W

Sainte-Anne-Du-Bocage, Canada

The latitude of Sainte-Anne-Du-Bocage is 47.774370, and the longitude is -65.011455. Sainte-Anne-Du-Bocage is located in Caraquet, Canada with the gps coordinates of 47° 46' 27.732'' N and 65° 0' 41.238'' W. The category of Sainte-Anne-Du-Bocage is Churches & Cathedrals.

When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near Sainte-Anne-Du-Bocage in advance for your travel.

Churches & Cathedrals

Elevation5.302DMS Lat47° 46' 27.732'' N
DMS Lng65° 0' 41.238'' WGeoHASHf83zb9h1gk19s
UTM Zone20TUTM Easting349304.746086274
UTM Northing5293182.03819505Time ZoneAmerica/Toronto
CountryCanadaStateNew Brunswick

Hotels in Caraquet

Shopping and Restaurants in Caraquet