GPS Coordinates of

Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum United States

Central address: 600 W 155th St, New York, NY 10032, USA

Elevation: 37.334
Time Zone: America/New_York

Latitude: 40° 49' 57.4284'' N
Longitude: 73° 56' 52.638'' W

Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum, United States

The latitude of Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum is 40.832619, and the longitude is -73.947955. Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum is located in New York City, United States with the gps coordinates of 40° 49' 57.4284'' N and 73° 56' 52.638'' W. The category of Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum is Cemeteries.

When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum in advance for your travel.


Elevation37.334DMS Lat40° 49' 57.4284'' N
DMS Lng73° 56' 52.638'' WGeoHASHdr72m32epzbk0
UTM Zone18TUTM Easting588703.200409582
UTM Northing4520709.07570977Time ZoneAmerica/New_York
CountryUnited StatesStateNew York (NY)

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