GPS Coordinates of

Waterfall Garden Park United States

Central address: 176-198 S Main St, Seattle, WA 98104, USA

Elevation: 8.888
Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles

Latitude: 47° 36' 0.4752'' N
Longitude: 122° 19' 54.2784'' W

Waterfall Garden Park, United States

The latitude of Waterfall Garden Park is 47.600132, and the longitude is -122.331744. Waterfall Garden Park is located in Seattle, United States with the gps coordinates of 47° 36' 0.4752'' N and 122° 19' 54.2784'' W. The category of Waterfall Garden Park is Parks.

Waterfall Garden Park, also called UPS Park and UPS Waterfall Park, is a private 60-by-80-foot (18 m × 24 m) pocket park in Seattle, Washington, created in 1978 at the original United Parcel Service building in Pioneer Square. It is open to the public during the day and closed at night. The park was designed by Masao Kinoshita with Sasaki Associates and funded by Annie E. Casey Foundation to commemorate UPS's founder, James Casey. The park is named for a manmade 22-foot (6.7 m) tall waterfall over which is pumped 5,000 US gallons (19,000 l) of water per minute. It is described as "one of the most expensive parks per square foot ever built in the United States". Roger Sale says in the guidebook Seeing Seattle that the park is locked at night to keep out the sizeable Pioneer Square homeless population.

When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near Waterfall Garden Park in advance for your travel.


Elevation8.888DMS Lat47° 36' 0.4752'' N
DMS Lng122° 19' 54.2784'' WGeoHASHc23nb32dzg8rd
UTM Zone10TUTM Easting550233.0821329
UTM Northing5272074.22058251Time ZoneAmerica/Los_Angeles
CountryUnited StatesStateWashington (WA)

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